Every Time You Kissed Me
Elad: Emily Bindiger
Every time you kissed me
I trembled like a child
Gathering the roses
We sang for the hope
Your very voice is in my heartbeat
Sweeter than my dream
We were there, in everlasting bloom
Roses die,
The secret is inside my pain
Winds are high up on the hill
I cannot hear you
Come and hold me close
I'm shivering cold in the heart of rain
Darkness falls, I'm calling for the dawn
Silver dishes for the memories,
For the days gone by
Singing for the promises
Tomorrow may bring
I harbor all the old affection
Roses are the past
Darkness falls, and summer will be gone
Joys of the daylight
Shadows of the starlight
Everything was sweet by your side, my love
Ruby tears have come to me, for your last words
I'm here just singing my song woe
Waiting for you, my love
Now let my happiness sing inside my dream...
Every time you kissed me
My heart was in such pain
Gathering the roses
We sang of the grief
Your very voice is in my heart beat
Sweeter than despair
We were there, in everlasting bloom
Underneath the stars
Shaded by the flowers
Kiss me in the summer day gloom, my love
You are all my pleasure, my hope and my song
I will be here dreaming in the past
Until you come
Until we close our eyes
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Megjelens: havonta
Kv. szm: 2011.08.18
r: 590 yen

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Op: 2007.11.24
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